Génie électrique
Static eccentricity fault modeling in permanent-magnet synchronous motors
In this paper, a model based on the finite element analysis has been developed for healthy and eccentric PMSM. The proposed model is analyzed by time stepping Finite element method. The electromagnetic field distribution, air-gap magnetic flux density and the leakage inductances under healthy and eccentric rotor have been calculated. Meanwhile, the MCSA of the healthy and faulty PMSM is inspected under various static eccentricity levels. Voir les détails
Mots clés : PMSM, Finite Element Method, diagnosis, Static Eccentricity, Spectral analysis
This paper diagnosis the effect of the AC current densities induced by the electromagnetic interference between high voltage power line and buried power line on the cathodic protection performance of the X70 steel in simulated soil. First, the induced AC voltage onto the pipeline was calculated for different power line configuration, separation distances between transmission line and pipeline and parallelism lengths. The induced AC current density was calculated function to the induced AC voltage, soil resistivity, and holiday diameter. Then, the electrochemical characters of the X70 steel at various AC current densities are measured using the potentiodynamic method. The electrochemical parameters obtained by the electrochemical tests are used as boundary conditions in the cathodic protection simulation model. The results indicate that, under influence of AC current densities, the X70 steel is more susceptible to corrosion, and the cathodic protection is unable to maintain the protection potential. Voir les détails
Mots clés : cathodic protection, electromagnetic interference, AC Corrosion
A Comparative Study of Various Methodsof Bearing Faults Diagnosis Using the CaseWestern Reserve University Data.
Bearing is probably one of the most criticalcomponents of rotating machinery. They are employed toguide and support the shafts in rotating machinery.Therefore, any fault in the bearings can lead to losses onthe level of production and equipments as well as potentiallyunsafe. For these reasons, the bearing fault diagnosishas received considerable attention from the research andengineering communities in recent years. The purpose ofthis study is to review the vibration analysis techniques andto explore their capabilities, advantages, and disadvantagein monitoring rolling element bearings. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Vibration analysis, bearing Fault diagnosis, Temporal analysis, Cepstrum analysis
Today it is possible to obtain induction machine performances similar to those of dc machines through the mastering of power electronics and control.Moreover, there are new methods of control for sensorless speed traction-type applications already studied particularly those related to the Direct Torque Control technique (DTC). This study consists at optimizing the three-level DTC algorithm fed from an NPC structure multilevel inverter with fault tolerant using are the configurable redundant spare arm to increase the average value of the torque. The results obtained in the DTC are further improved by applying the technique of fuzzy logic Voir les détails
Mots clés : Multilevel Inverter, DTC, NPC, Fault tolerance, Fuzzy logic.
Diagnosis of AC corrosion on the buried pipeline due to the high voltage power line
This paper studies the electromagnetic effect of the high voltage power line on the X70 Steel pipeline and the factors affecting this interference. The induced voltage onto the pipeline was calculated for different separation distance between conductors, the existence of the earth wire, separation distance between transmission line and pipeline and the parallelism length. The induced AC current density was calculated function to the induced voltage, the soil resistivity, and the holiday diameter. The electrochemical characters of the X70 steel with and without influence of the alternating currents were studied in simulated soil solution. The results indicate that the AC density accelerate the corrosion degree of X70 steel in simulated soil solution comparing with that in the absence of the AC density. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Power lines, interference, induced voltage, induced current density, AC corrosion.
Contribution to Reconfigured Multi-Level Inverter FedDouble Stator Induction Machine DTC-SVM Control
The Dual Stator Induction Machine (DSIM) meets well with the need for high power applications. In the recent years, it has been increasingly used for variable speed drives. However, its control strategy is still a subject of research due to its complex structure, though it offers more reliable application in use due to the presence of double stators. The fault detection and localization in an inverter are profitable for better diagnosis and the inverter reconfiguration is the most required process to ensure acceptable service continuity. This paper tackles, on the one hand, a control strategy based on the Direct Torque Control combined with the Space Vector PWM of a DSIM (DTC-SVM-DSIM) and on the other hand, a three-level inverter fault detection and localization, reconfiguration of the inverter when operating under open-circuit IGBT switch faults. Several results are presented to illustrate the enhancement of torque and flux quality owed to the proposed control strategy and also to show the improvement of the open-circuit fault detection and localization method for better diagnosis as well as the inverter reconfiguration impact on the drive system service continuity. Voir les détails
Mots clés : DSIM, Multi-level Inverter, NPC, DTC, SVM, Reconfiguration
Particle swarm optimization based sliding mode control of variable speed wind energy conversion system
This paper proposes a particle swarm optimization based sliding mode control of squirrel cage induction generator of a variable speed wind energy conversion system. The key feature of sliding mode control is a wisely chosen sliding surface which allows the turbine to operate more or less close to the optimal regimes characteristic. Optimal control parameters which are the convergence speed to the sliding-mode, the slope of the surface and the switching component amplitude of SMC are determined using particle swarm optimization approach. The simulation results prove the viability of the proposed control structure. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG), Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS), Sliding Mode Control (SMC), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Feedback linearization control based particle swarm optimization for maximum power point tracking of wind turbine equipped by PMSG connected to the grid
The main problem regarding wind power systems is the major discrepancy between the irregular character of the primary source (wind speed is a random, strongly non-stationary process) and the exigent demands regarding the electrical energy quality. This paper presents a feedback linearization controller based particle swarm optimization for maximum power point tracking of wind turbine equipped by PMSG connected to the grid, the proposed method which aims at maximizing the power captured by WECS. In order to drive the system to the optimal operating point using the selection of the controller parameters with particle swarm optimization. The obtained simulation results with a variable wind profile show an adequate dynamic of the conversion system using the proposed approach. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Wind turbine, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Feedback linearization control, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS)
Study of a Solar Photovoltaic Regulator for Cathodic Protection Systems
Study of a Solar Photovoltaic Regulator for Cathodic Protection Systems Cathodic protection has divers known industrialapplications in buried or submerged pipes protection. The surrounding environment and the economic aspects are two decisiveparameters in the choice of the method of protection. When theenvironment conditions are well known and the method of protection properly mastered, the cathodic protection is generally cheap and efficient over a long period of time. The photovoltaic conversionrepresents a good issue to provide the needed autonomous energy forseveral applications. Since it has many applications, we are preciselyinterested in cathodic protection one. To well manage the use of thebattery, according to the desired application, it’s necessary to makean adequate choice of the type of the regulator of load. Theprevention opposes to the corrosion of the metallic deep pipes. Thus,a variable exit regulation for cathodic protection is studied. Thestabilization of the PV.G voltage guarantees a load of battery withfixed voltage. The charging current threshold takes into account oftwo parameters; the permanent measurement of the PV.G currentoutput and of the increase in its voltage. Voir les détails
Mots clés : corrosion, buried pipelines, photovoltaic System, cathodic protection, regulation, buck-boost converter, impressed current.
Modélisation de la Corrosion par Courants Vagabonds – Cas Continu
D'un point de vue corrosion, l'équipement industriel alimenté par une source continue est à l’origine des courants vagabonds. Toute structure métallique enterrée dans le sol tel qu'un pipeline, représente un chemin peu résistant dont la réponse est fonction de trois éléments : 1) l'emplacement de la structure par rapport au champ électrique généré par la source du courant vagabond (dispositif de protection), 2) l'amplitude du champ électrique et 3) la réaction électrochimique de la structure à l'interférence (protection). Si l'amplitude du courant vagabond est connue, il est dans ce cas possible d'estimer les dommages de corrosion résultants sur une période. Plusieurs recherches ont été menées pour déterminer La technique de modélisation la plus appropriée pour étudier le comportement des courants vagabonds. Les systèmes de traction sont par nature imposants, des systèmes 1-D, la distribution du courant dans le sol est un phénomène typiquement 3-D, d’où se relèvent les difficultés. Un compromis précision-difficulté de mise en œuvre s’impose. Le modèle de résistances s’avère relativement simple, il fera l’œuvre de notre étude. Voir les détails
Mots clés : courants vagabonds, systèmes de traction, rails, structures métalliques, modélisation