Feedback linearization control based particle swarm optimization for maximum power point tracking of wind turbine equipped by PMSG connected to the grid
Type : Publication
Auteur(s) : , ,
Année : 2016
Domaine : Génie électrique
Revue : Elsevier International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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Mots clés : Wind turbine, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Feedback linearization control, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS)
Auteur(s) : , ,
Année : 2016
Domaine : Génie électrique
Revue : Elsevier International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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Mots clés : Wind turbine, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Feedback linearization control, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS)
Résumé :
The main problem regarding wind power systems is the major discrepancy between the irregular character of the primary source (wind speed is a random, strongly non-stationary process) and the exigent demands regarding the electrical energy quality. This paper presents a feedback linearization controller based particle swarm optimization for maximum power point tracking of wind turbine equipped by PMSG connected to the grid, the proposed method which aims at maximizing the power captured by WECS. In order to drive the system to the optimal operating point using the selection of the controller parameters with particle swarm optimization. The obtained simulation results with a variable wind profile show an adequate dynamic of the conversion system using the proposed approach.