CoSoTIA Project: Decision Support for the Choice of Concentrated Solar Technologies for Electricity Generation

Type : Publication
Auteur(s) :  M. AISSANI, K. Mohammedi, A. ZITOUNI, M. BOUKRAA, T. CHEKIFI, A. Mehiris
Année :  2020
Domaine : Aéronautique
Revue : Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development, Volume 2: Waste Recycling and Environment.
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Mots clés :  Decision support, Multicriteria analysis, Solar concentration, CSP, SAM Advisor

Résumé : 

The C oSoTIA (Concentrated Solar Technologies for I ndustrial Appli-cations) project initiated by the CRTI center in collaboration with the URMPEunit concerns the s tudy and development of CSP s olar concentrators f or indus-trial applications. I n t he present work, we present decision s upport t ools f or thechoice of a s olar concentration t echnology for s ites i n Algeria. T hey will be usedfor t he comparison between diff erent t echnologies of solar concentration e.g.:cylindro-parabolic, parabolic, s olar tower, etc. T he models used include projectcosts and site characteristics; they incorporate also engineering knowledge (eco-nomic, social, t echnical and environmental). The i nformation needed for decision-making produced by these t ools i s: the t otal cost of the project, i ndicators witheconomic, social, t echnical and environmental aspects. The case s tudies presentedwere conducted under t he SAM Advisor environment, which was developed t oevaluate the capacities t o i mplement C SP project i n order to produce expertisefor t he diff erent actors t hrough an application on a given s ite (by t he client). Fourcase sites i n Algeria and f or two t ypes of s olar concentrator plant are studied andpresented. A comparative study was conducted and for each s ite the best C SP wasdeduced and commented.