PV Cell Temperature/ PV Power Output Relationships Homer Methodology Calculation
Type : Publication
Auteur(s) : ,
Année : 2014
Domaine : Génie électrique
Revue : Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables "CIER’13" / International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Technology
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Mots clés : solar layer, PV cell temperature, PV power output, mathematical formulation, calculation, Homer.
Auteur(s) : ,
Année : 2014
Domaine : Génie électrique
Revue : Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables "CIER’13" / International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Technology
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Mots clés : solar layer, PV cell temperature, PV power output, mathematical formulation, calculation, Homer.
Résumé :
Because of the intermittent solar irradiation whichhighly influences the resulting energy production, the majoraspects in the design of PV power generation systems are thereliable power supply of the consumer under varyingatmospheric conditions and the corresponding total system cost.Thus it is necessary to select the number of PV modules andbatteries, and their installation details such as the power will beuninterruptedly supplied to the electrical load, andsimultaneously the minimum system cost would be achieved.But it’s especially so judicious to take into account the wholesystem parameters such as cell temperature, a task ensured byseveral software tools as Homer from the NREL Laboratory.As known, meteorological parameters especially the arraytemperature, do not remain constant the whole day long, butchange considerably. Then, it is worth investigating the influenceof the daily average temperature variation on the predictedperformances of the optimized system.It’s so important to seize how such software proceeds to get around any result calculation and a possible problem at the same time.So, the goal achieved through this study is to investigate theinfluence of the cell temperature and head changing effects onthe system performances. So an approach by a mathematical formalism is then indispensable.