Thermal oxidation of tin layers and study of the effect of their annealings on their structural and electrical properties
Type : Publication
Auteur(s) : , , , ,
Année : 2012
Domaine : Sciences des matériaux
Revue : journal homepage:
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Mots clés : vacuum evaporation, SnO2, Thermal oxidation, X-rays, Thin layers, SEM
Auteur(s) : , , , ,
Année : 2012
Domaine : Sciences des matériaux
Revue : journal homepage:
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Mots clés : vacuum evaporation, SnO2, Thermal oxidation, X-rays, Thin layers, SEM
Résumé :
The main objective of this article is the control of tin dioxide preparation process onglass substrate. Layers of pure tin with thicknesses of 500 and 1000deposited. Their enrichment with oxygen is ensured by thermal annealing for 1 and2 h in a continuous tube furnace with temperatures varying between 300 and 500 1C.The tin film formed by vacuum evaporation has tetragonal crystalline structure, andis composed of grains of various sizes separated by grain boundaries. After annealing inoxygen, the formed phases consist of a mixture of SnO and SnOcrystalline mixturesand sometimes amorphous tin oxide. The more the time or the temperature ofannealing, the more the quantity of SnO22and SnO. For an annealing at 500 1C for10 h the size of grains increases more than annealing for 2 h. This is confirmed by thestudy of their micrographs.The electrical resistivity of these layers, measured by the 4 point method, iscorrelated to the size of the oxide particles: the smaller the particle size, the lowerthe electrical resistivity.˚