Structural evolution of the mechanically alloyed Fe62Nb8B30powder mixtures
Type : Article de conférence
Auteur(s) : , , , ,
Année : 2008
Domaine : Sciences des matériaux
Conférence: the 5th international congress on materials science and engineering CISGM-5
Lieu de la conférence: Guelma, Algeria
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Mots clés : nanostructures, powder metallurgy
Auteur(s) : , , , ,
Année : 2008
Domaine : Sciences des matériaux
Conférence: the 5th international congress on materials science and engineering CISGM-5
Lieu de la conférence: Guelma, Algeria
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Mots clés : nanostructures, powder metallurgy
Résumé :
Fe62Nb8B30 amorphous alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying in a planetary ball mill from pure elemental powders. Structural properties of the milled powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction. The mixing of Nb and B leads to the formation of a bcc Nb(B) solid solution after 1 h of milling. A highly disordered Fe(Nb, B) structure in addition to a small amount of the un-reacted α-Fe and the bcc Nb(B) solid solution are obtained after 25 h of milling. The amorphous state is reached onfurther milling (up to 125 h).