Study of the initiation and propagation of a crack in a heterogeneous media using model of cohesive forces
Type : Article de conférence
Auteur(s) : , , ,
Année : 2013
Domaine : Mécanique
Conférence: Second International Workshop on Fracture Mechanics FRACT’2. 23-25 novembre 2013, Chlef, Algérie.
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Mots clés : MDR, Crack, welding, cohesive forces model
Auteur(s) : , , ,
Année : 2013
Domaine : Mécanique
Conférence: Second International Workshop on Fracture Mechanics FRACT’2. 23-25 novembre 2013, Chlef, Algérie.
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Mots clés : MDR, Crack, welding, cohesive forces model
Résumé :
The behavior of crack defects in a heterogeneous media like the weld is a very interesting subject. The mechanical properties change through the different areas of the welded joint (Base Metal, Heat Affected Zone and Fusion Zone). The crack is solicited in mode III (anti-plane shear loading).A cohesive forces model is applied to study the initiation and propagation of a crack located in the middle of the weld using a semi-analytical method, where the equilibrium equations are solved and the solution is converted to a singular integral equation by using the standard Fourier’s transformers. The equation is solved numerically.The limit load of the fracture is represented as a function of different parameters (opening of the crack, the width of the weld,…). The results obtained shows the variation of the crack opening in accordance with the width of the weld taking into account the critical crack opening.