Effects of weld parameters on the grain refinement in AISI 430 FSS welds
Type : Article de conférence
Auteur(s) : , , , ,
Année : 2012
Domaine : Métallurgie
Conférence: 4th International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationships in Solid State Materials (SPSSM-2012), Bordeaux, France from 24 to 29 June 2012
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Mots clés : Welding parameters, TIG, ferritic stainless steel, Grain Size
Auteur(s) : , , , ,
Année : 2012
Domaine : Métallurgie
Conférence: 4th International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationships in Solid State Materials (SPSSM-2012), Bordeaux, France from 24 to 29 June 2012
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Mots clés : Welding parameters, TIG, ferritic stainless steel, Grain Size
Résumé :
Ferritic stainless steels (FSS), in general, and the first generation of the group 430, in particular, are associatedwith many problems during the welding process. These problems are the grain growth, both in the fusion zone (FZ)and heat affected zone (HAZ) and martensite formation at grain boundaries of the weld.The grain growth of ferrite at high temperature and the presence of martensite are that resilience at ambienttemperature is generally low, so that the assembly becomes susceptible to fragile fracture. The grain size can bereduced by accelerating the thermal cycle, or by reducing the energy input during the welding process.The aim of the work is, first to characterize the microstructure of welds steel (AISI 430) as variable parameters andthen optimize its own parameters. We focused on improving refining the grain size of ferritic stainless steel (AISI430) during the TIG welding (Tungsten Inert Gas).The results obtained in the present study show that, the microstructural characteristics of the weld are influencedby the current and the welding speed and beyond a critical value of current, speed has no influence.