TwTwo-dimensional Modelling and Simulationof CIGS thin-film solar cell
Type : Article de conférence
Auteur(s) : , ,
Année : 2014
Domaine : Electronique
Conférence: Second International Conference on New Materials and Active Devices Deuxième Congrès International sur les Nouveaux Matériaux et les Composants Actifs
Lieu de la conférence: universitéde Larbi Ben M’hidi , Oum El-Bouaghi ,Algeria
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Mots clés : Computer modeling, Silvaco Atlas, CIGS solar cell, solar cell parameters.
Auteur(s) : , ,
Année : 2014
Domaine : Electronique
Conférence: Second International Conference on New Materials and Active Devices Deuxième Congrès International sur les Nouveaux Matériaux et les Composants Actifs
Lieu de la conférence: universitéde Larbi Ben M’hidi , Oum El-Bouaghi ,Algeria
Résumé en PDF :

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Mots clés : Computer modeling, Silvaco Atlas, CIGS solar cell, solar cell parameters.
Résumé :
Abstract: 2 D Silvaco Atlas software is used for the study of a CIGS thin film solar cell in the configuration:ZnO(200 nm)/n-type CdS(50 nm)/ p-type CIGS(350 nm)/Mo. The cell performance is evaluated by implementing thedefects created at the grain boundaries of the polycrystalline CdS and CIGS ma terial and at the interface CdS/CIGS. TheJ-V characteristics and the external quantum efficiency EQE are simulated under AM 1.5 illumination. The conversionefficiency η of 20.35 % is reached and the other characteristic parameters are simulated: the short circuit current density Jscequals 35.62 mA/cm2, the open circuit voltage Voc is of 0.69 V and the fill factor FF is of 82.7 %. The calculated externalparameters of the solar cell are in good agreement with the measured characteristics. The simulation results also showedthat the rise of the CdS thickness decreases all output parameters and the external quantum efficiency while the rise of theCIGS thickness improves all photovoltaic parameters and the external quantum efficiency. The highest efficiency of21.08 % is reached for the CIGS thickness of 5 μm.