Morphology and Mechanical properties of α-grain boundary in Ti-6Al-4V TIG welds.
Type : Article de conférence
Auteur(s) : , , ,
Année : 2016
Domaine : Métallurgie
Conférence: 7th African Conference on Non Destructive Testing (ACNDT) & the 5th International Conference on NDT and Materials Industry and Alloys (IC-WNDT-MI)
Lieu de la conférence: Oran, Algeria
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Mots clés : TA6V, TIG Welds, α-Grain Boundary, Microhardness
Auteur(s) : , , ,
Année : 2016
Domaine : Métallurgie
Conférence: 7th African Conference on Non Destructive Testing (ACNDT) & the 5th International Conference on NDT and Materials Industry and Alloys (IC-WNDT-MI)
Lieu de la conférence: Oran, Algeria
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Mots clés : TA6V, TIG Welds, α-Grain Boundary, Microhardness
Résumé :
In this Work, the effect of the TIG Welding process on the Morphology and mechanical behavior of α grain boundary (α-GB) phase appearing in TA6V welds are investigated. Different morphologies are observed depending on the pulsed frequency parameter, namely, the Zig-Zag morphology, the saw-teeth morphology and the normal continuous layer. The micro-hardness of each morphology has been measured and discussed.