Génie électrique
Dynamic Response of a Stand Alone DC Side Wind Energy Conversion System with Battery Energy Storage to a Wind Gust.
The study concerns particularly the DC side of the wind system, the continuity of the AC one being already studied in. Then,this work elaborates an analysis of the DC components, particularly the system conversion and storage of the wind system conversion. Indeed, the battery is a storage buffer essential in our case for isolated network. We emphasize its importance by evaluating its various features. The AC study concerned the analysis and simulation of a low speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) driven by a vertical wind turbine through a Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) voltage inverter. Renewable resources are in constant fluctuation. Therefore, in order to maximize the efficiency of the renewable energy system it is necessary to track the maximum power point of the input source. In this system, the maximizing is assured while considering the optimal power curve as load characteristic, with the knowledge of the turbine characteristic Cp (λ). The study was accomplished on MATLAB/Simulink and Script platforms. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Permanent Magnet Synchronous generator, mdel, DC side, Storage, Small Wind Turbine
PV Cell Temperature/ PV Power Output Relationships Homer Methodology Calculation
Because of the intermittent solar irradiation whichhighly influences the resulting energy production, the majoraspects in the design of PV power generation systems are thereliable power supply of the consumer under varyingatmospheric conditions and the corresponding total system cost.Thus it is necessary to select the number of PV modules andbatteries, and their installation details such as the power will beuninterruptedly supplied to the electrical load, andsimultaneously the minimum system cost would be achieved.But it’s especially so judicious to take into account the wholesystem parameters such as cell temperature, a task ensured byseveral software tools as Homer from the NREL Laboratory.As known, meteorological parameters especially the arraytemperature, do not remain constant the whole day long, butchange considerably. Then, it is worth investigating the influenceof the daily average temperature variation on the predictedperformances of the optimized system.It’s so important to seize how such software proceeds to get around any result calculation and a possible problem at the same time.So, the goal achieved through this study is to investigate theinfluence of the cell temperature and head changing effects onthe system performances. So an approach by a mathematical formalism is then indispensable. Voir les détails
Mots clés : solar layer, PV cell temperature, PV power output, mathematical formulation, calculation, Homer.
MPPT Control of a Small PV Generation System under Diverse Weather Conditions
The power induced in the photovoltaic modules is influenced by the intensity of solar cell irradiation, temperature of solar cells and moreover by the load. Therefore, to maximize the efficiency of the renewable energy system, it is necessary to track the maximum power point of the input source. In this work, we tie to present the constituent of a weak power PV chain dedicated to the storage on battery. The battery bank is connected to the DC network via a DC/DC boost converter, called the storage converter, used for controlling the network.Indeed, the battery is only imperative buffer storage in this case. The PV units are connected to the DC network via its own DC/DC converter, called PV converter, to ensure the required power flow. The purpose of the proposed model is the simulation of the complete system behavior from the electric and energy point of view. A maximum power point tracker (MPPT) scheme is applied through the boost converter to improve the energy conversion efficiency. Fuzzy algorithm based on linguistic rules describing the operator’s control strategy is applied to control the step-up converter for MPPT. On the other hand, Fuzzy logic control based on coarse and fine mode is incorporated in order to reduce not only the time required to track the maximum power point but also power fluctuation. A confrontation with a P and O method performed. Another fuzzy battery-charge controller is also applied. Simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy controller exhibits a better performance than the controller based upon the P and O method. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Photovoltaic, simulation, MPPT; DC-DC converter, Fuzzy controller
AC Corrosion Induced by High Voltage Power Line on Cathodically Protected Pipeline
The implications of the influence of alternating currents on buried pipelines are of great concern to all pipeline owners in world. The relevance of the interference is always increasing for operational personnel and for the protection of buried metallic structures from corrosion. The paper studies the electromagnetic interference problem between an existing high voltage power line and a newly designed underground pipeline cathodically protected. Induced voltages and currents are evaluated for steady state operating conditions of the power line. It is found that on pipelines suffering from A.C. interference traditional pipe-to-soil potential measurements do not guarantee efficient cathodic protection against corrosion. A specific approach to assess the effectiveness of cathodic protection should be adopted. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Induced Voltages, Electric Power Transmission Lines, pipeline, AC Corrosion, cathodic protection, soil resistivity, AC interference
Analysis and Mitigation of the Interference Between High Voltage Power Line and Buried Pipelines
Analysis of electromagnetic interference between high voltage overhead power transmission lines and nearby gas/oil pipeline has been a topic of growing interest for many years. When pipelines are located in shared row with power lines, the pipeline can incur high induced voltages and currents due the AC interference. The induced voltage on pipeline can be dangerous for operator to touch the pipeline as well as pipe corrosion can result from AC discharge. This research evaluates and analyzes the electromagnetic interference effects on oil and gas buried pipelines created by the nearby high voltage transmission lines. The aim is to evaluate the AC corrosion likelihoods of pipelines and suggest proper mitigation solutions. Voir les détails
Mots clés : AC interference, Induced Voltages, Electric Power Transmission Lines, pipeline, AC Corrosion, cathodic protection, soil resistivity
A comparative Study of Two Types of DTC With Application of Artificial Intelligence: Fuzzy Logic and Neuron Network on the Performance of a Multi-level Inverter Fed Induction Machine
We present in this paper the simulation results of the speed control of a 3 levels inverter-fed induction machine controlled by the Direct Torque Control with application of artificial intelligence techniques both the fuzzy logic(DTC_FL) and the neural network (DTC_NN). A comparative study of these two techniques is also presented to illustrate the merits of each of the techniques on the performance of the 3-levels inverter-/induction machine set. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Induction machine, 3-Levels Inverter, Direct Torque Control (DTC), DTC_FL, DTC_NN
We present in this paper the simulation results of the speed control of a 3 levels inverter-fed induction machine controlled by the Direct Torque Control with an application of artificial intelligence techniques both the fuzzy logic(DTC_FL) and the neural network (DTC_NN). A comparative study of these two techniques is also presented to illustrate the merits of each of the techniques on the performance of the 3-levels inverter-/induction machine set. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Induction machine, 3-Levels Inverter, Direct Torque Control (DTC), DTC_FL, DTC_NN
Analysis of the Electromagnetic Interferences betweenOverhead Power Lines and Buried Pipelines
The Analysis of electromagnetic interference between high voltage overhead power transmission lines and nearby gas/oil pipeline has been a topic of growing interest for many years. When pipelines are located in shared row with power lines, the pipeline can incur high induced voltages and currents due the AC interference. The induced voltage on pipeline can be dangerous for operator to touch the pipeline as well as pipe corrosion can result from AC discharge. This research evaluates and analyzes the electromagnetic interference effects on oil and gas buried pipelines created by the nearby high voltage transmission lines. The aim is to evaluate the AC corrosion likelihoods of pipelines and suggest proper mitigation solutions. Voir les détails
Mots clés : AC interference, Induced Voltages, Electric Power Transmission Lines, pipeline, AC Corrosion, Corrosion protection.
Aujourd'hui, il est possible d'obtenir des machines asynchrones aussi performantes que celles à courantcontinue grâce à la maitrise de l’électronique de puissance et de commande. Par ailleurs, il existe de nouvellesméthodes de commande destinées aux applications type traction sans capteur de vitesse déjà étudiées s'agissantnotamment de la technique de contrôle direct du couple (DTC). Cette dernière présente de nombreux avantages encomparaison à la technique vectorielle par flux orienté (FOC) d'une part et d'autre part la DTC n’exige qu’unepaire de comparateurs à hystérises pour effectuer une commande dynamique du flux et du couple. La présentethèse a pour objectif l'étude d'une nouvelle structure de contrôle sans capteur mécanique de la machineasynchrone pour un entraînement électrique avec une source de tension multiniveaux, capable de fournir unebonne dynamique du couple électromagnétique. Alors, l'amplitude et la vitesse de rotation du vecteur flux peuventêtre contrôlées librement. Le contrôle direct du couple permet d’atteindre ces objectifs. En effet, selon le choixdans une table de commutation des vecteurs de sortie de l’onduleur le flux statorique et le coupleélectromagnétique sont contrôlés directement et indépendamment. Cette étude consiste à l'optimisation del’algorithme DTC à trois niveaux, en appliquant plusieurs approches pendant la conception des tables decommutations afin d’améliorer les résultats classiques notamment la réduction d’ondulation du couple. Lesrésultats obtenus dans la DTC classique sont encore améliorés en appliquant la technique de la logique floue.Aussi les avantages des réseaux de neurones artificiels en termes de la capacité d’apprentissages, le parallélisme defonctionnement, la rapidité de calcul et la capacité de généralisation, seront exploités dans cette thèse pour lacommande DTC de l’ensemble du système. Voir les détails
Mots clés : commande direct du couple, onduleur à multiniveaux, moteur asynchrone, Commande sans capteur, Commande par logique floue. Réseaux de neurons artificiels.
Real Time Implementation of Shunt ActivePower Filter (SAPF) for Harmonic suppressionand Power Quality Improvement
In this paper, A Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) is implemented using a dSPACE DS1104 processorto compensate harmonics and reactive power produced by nonlinear load. The reference source currentis computed based on the measurement of harmonics in the supply voltage and load current.A hysteresis based current controller has been implemented in a DSP processor for injecting thecompensating current into the power system, so that SAPF allows suppression of the harmonics andreactive power component of load current, resulting in a supply current that is purely sinusoidal.Simulation and experimental results of the proposed SAPF to meet the IEEE-519 standards arepresented. Voir les détails
Mots clés : Harmonics, Power quality, Active power filter, Hysteresis comparator, Real-time control